Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Teach Your Children Well...Err...To Compost

As spring is upon us and we begin to think about preparing our gardens, it may be worth considering composting. If you are already accustomed to composting then how about teaching others, like children, about it?

These days children are becoming enthusiastically involved in caring for our earth. This is being driven by education, these days children are being taught the importance of composting and how the results affect the earth. While many are not composting at home they are learning composting habits at their school where composting and recycling are enforced in the classroom.

Children as young as 18 months, and up to 5 years, are being introduced to recycling from Peppa Pig, a pig tv star whose adventures with family and friends demonstrate how easy the basics of composting are, and how it affects the environment. With children learning from a young age the importance of composting from the media it stands to reason that they will continue these practices as they grow.

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