Tuesday, 24 February 2015
Forget Chocolate or Flowers! Try Junk Removal Instead!
Valentine’s Day was a little over a week ago and by now the flowers are dead or dying and the boxes of candy are empty or will soon be. Others may have received more tangible, longer-lasting gifts such as jewelry or clothes. That’s great if you were one of those recipients but what about more possibilities? We think Valentine’s Day is fantastic, but we’d like to suggest another gift idea - Junk Removal!
Yes, we are being a bit cheeky but hear us out. How many of you have junk or crap, depending on your preferred term, that you want or need to get out of your house? More importantly, do you have a significant other that has told you how much they dislike one or more items from your stuff? How much would they appreciate it if, at some point and ideally soon, you would arrange for its removal?
Is it that ceramic bust of Elvis? Could it be your collection of board games or jigsaw puzzles with missing pieces? The LPs you are convinced will be worth something some day? Clothes you hope will be useful in a period film or that you are keeping in hopes that those jackets with the padded shoulders will come back into style? What about your collection of mixed nails and screws stored in a dozen plus mason jars? The series of DIY projects that never made it through to completion?
It doesn’t matter. There’s a solution to restore harmony. Let us help you rid your home of whatever unwanted items you have or items you love but your loved one wants you to remove. Less clutter could be helpful to your relationship. Well, it can’t hurt. Think of it as early spring cleaning. That’s us being cheeky again.
You can wait til the next Valentine’s Day or you can extend this year’s by a week or more. Think about what your significant other wants to remove or what they would be pleasantly surprised to learn you had removed. If there is more than one item, then make a list, prioritize if necessary, and give us a call. We can show up in our red (read: heart-coloured) truck now or next year but, no matter when, we’ll make you the best Valentine!
We hope we at least made you smile! Now go enjoy whatever candy you have left.
photo credit: IMG00206-20100206-1701_flea via photopin (license)
photo credit: 080503 yard sale via photopin (license)
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